Gathmann Michaelis und Freunde | Transaction Management

Transaction Management

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An overview of buying and selling

With our professional transaction management, we manage the entire buying and selling process for retail properties and property portfolios. We know where there is strong demand for food-anchored retail real estate and focus on intensive market development when sourcing deals. Our experience from hundreds of transactions and our own research guarantee you access to comprehensive market analyses and careful property checks before every purchase. Our sales management pursues tried and tested marketing strategies for the best possible sale at the right time.

Your benefits

We negotiate intensively –
and always for the benefit of our investors.

Andreas Freier, Managing Director

Your contact

Do you have questions about Transaction Management at GRR?
Our contacts would be happy to advise you!

Andreas Freier, Portrait in schwarzem Anzug mit weißem Hemd
Andreas Freier

Managing Director