Gathmann Michaelis und Freunde | Imprint


GRR Real Estate Management GmbH
Marienbergstraße 98
90411 Nuremberg
Phone: (0911) 955 126-0
Fax: (0911) 955 126-910

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Jan Heidelmann, Managing Director

Represented by the managing directors:
Andreas Freier, Jan Heidelmann, Oliver Groß

Registered office of the company:

Commercial register:
Nuremberg Local Court HRB 31975
Value added tax identification number according to § 27 a
Value Added Tax Act: DE 246 666 570

Concept, creation, technical realisation and hosting:
GMF GmbH & Co. KG
Rosastrasse 36
45130 Essen

All contents of this website are the property of GRR Real Estate Management GmbH. We accept no responsibility for errors in content and any resulting damage. The content may only be used with the express written authorisation of GRR Real Estate Management GmbH.